Parents of 7th-12th Grade Students
Church makes up only a max of 20% of the building of relationship with Jesus. The other 80% is personal and with family. Our job and mission as staff and leadership teams are to help equip the students, parents, and members on their journey with Jesus and help build the foundation. This page is dedicated to the parents of our youth, this will provide a link to our monthly emails as well as resources to help build the foundation in your own life as well as the students life.

Parent Connect Email

Parent Expectations

Ministry is more than 1 person

Biased Opinion: our Adult Leadership Team is made up of the BEST and most DEVOTED people to Jesus and our students. Our leadership team has full time jobs and volunteer their late nights and weekends to our students (UNPAID) to help grow them and build foundations in Christ. However, we CANNOT do it alone! 

We NEED YOU! Your presence and help, allows our leadership team to be even more devoted to growing our students in Jesus. We need volunteers for meals & snacks, chaperones, drivers, and anything to help continue to keep our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ possible!

Click the link below to fill out our parent form to be engaged in our CG Youth Ministry. 

Iron Sharpens Iron

As we encourage our students to be challenged and grow in their faith and relationship with Jesus, we encourage our parents to do the same! Iron Sharpens Iron, the best discipling comes from when you are also being discipled alongside them. Our church offers a Mother's devotional group, Father's devotional group as well as a supper club. You do not have to do something at our church, but we do encourage you to get involved in a bible study, devotional group, or a ministry that you can continue to grow in your faith. 

The biggest influence in our students lives are their parents and those closest to them. How are you discipling and influencing through your relationship with Jesus?

The door is always open

The student pastor's door is always open to the students as well as the parents. We know it can be difficult times and situations and sometimes you just need to vent and ask for advice. The door is open!

We also will listen to suggestions, comments, and critiques, before any decision is made the leadership team will get togther to discuss and decide what is best for our students!

Bottom line: we are here for you as well!

We ALL need it

You need prayer and our students need prayer... We ALL need prayer. Be praying for our leadership team as we discuss and decide what is best for our students, be in prayer for our students as the world has so much influence on their lives, and be in prayer for one another as parents because it is a hard but rewarding job to be a parent. 

Be in continuous prayer.

Photos from our MDWKs to our retreats! If you would like access to our Youth Photos please contact Faith East, Student Pastor.

If you are new to our student ministry or need to update your students information, please click the Student Forms button.

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